Book of the Day Official Review by Bookie Books: Billion Dollar Start-Up, February 2nd

Review 1: Billion Dollar Start-Up is about two people who started a cannabis business within 5 years from 2013-2019. Adam Miron and Sebastien started in a small building but registered for a license. They were able to raise the start up funds of $1.1 million. The book also narrated the challenges and how they overcame it. The author also talked about his father, Gaston who had cancer. I enjoyed this book and recommend it to people who wants to start a business. Rating: 4/5........ Review 2: Two canadians started a cannabis business called HEXO by investing $35,000. Though they recorded failures, they also recorded their breakthroughs. The book also emphazised on the legal problems of cannabis as well as the personal life experiences of Adam and Sebastien. I didn`t really enjoy the book and it`s not recommended for young kids. Rating: 2/5......... Review 3: This book is an encouraging story about the authors, Adam Miron and Sebastein (Seb) who started a cannabis business in a little way named Hydropothecary. The story shows the usefulness of patience as the ups and downs were so many - from raising $35,000 to becoming billioniares. I really liked reading this book and I highly recommend it to young enterpreneurs who wants to start up a business. Rating: 4.5/5.......... Review 4: Two 29 year old canadians, Adam and Sebastien used $35,000 to create a cannabis business in just five years and they turned to billioniares $1,000,000,000. The name of the company is HEXO. Though they started lowly, even with financial setbacks. The story is actually real life. I loved their perseverance. The story also featured the history of Canada. The authors did a great work in writing everything that really happened as if I was with them and the entire thing was happening again. Rating: 5/5…………….. Review 5: As the story begins, Adam and Seb started a cannabis business within five years with just $35,000 and generated $1,000,000,000 in return. They faced many challenges as we all know that the road to success isn’t that easy. But they still endured even during the hard times and now their cannabis company, HEXA is one of the leading businesses in Canada. There is nothing to oppose about this book as I enjoyed reading every single page. Highly recommended! Rating: 5/5………………. Review 6: They struggled harder. They invested $35000 and became billionaires. The story happened between the years 2013-2019. Adam and Sebastien started with a small room and had to get a license to grow medical cannabis. Julie Buen entered the picture to popularize their business through communications in the media. Adam also talks about his father who had cancer so he gave his father cannabis which helped the situation by reducing headaches and all other side effects. Rating: 4.5/5………….. Review 7: HEXA, a company created by two brother in-laws, Adam Miron and Sebatien St-Louis in five years. They didn’t give up as they started with a small low roof building but now one the most leading cannabis business in the history of Canada. I liked how the authors summed the story well; making it more interesting and I just wished I could continue reading the book. Rating: 4/5…………. Review 8: This book is about two people who started a cannabis business within 5 years. It also teaches about patience and endurance. I didn’t enjoy this book at all as it is not suitable for children, contains inappropriate words. The authors just talked about their personal life experiences so, I do not recommend this book at all to any individual for any reason. Rating: 1/5……………..


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