Official Review of Hajogana by Samuel Yaw Jian Fong

An action-paced novel about the journey of Hajegūn Banerri Pilusari, a half Imdegab humanoid from Konjor, climbing the hierarchical ladder from working as a Gaantegeu lieutenant of Jerde under General Pangaros (Supercorporation’s official) to becoming Vice Governor of West Luril working for Governor Vannikon Bezagro after escaping brutality and mistreatment at Samozari Resort. These experience and his natural benevolence shape his belief in slavery abolishiment and diplomatic approach to maintain high quality of life for Lurilo citizens. In some way, the novel’s theme reflects our history fighting and bleeding for equality despite the resistance and violent attempt to subdue insurgency. The ending feels a bit rushed, however, the camaraderie bonds shared between individuals with similar beliefs and compassion for the weak is well highlighted to deliver the key takeaway; kindness between individuals can transcend the differences imposed by society. Rating: 3.5/5


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